Sunday, October 16, 2011

Steven Paul Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 to two university graduates who gave him up for adoption when we was born. Jobs a smart but directionless, Steven experimented with diferent pursuits before starting Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak in Steven's families garage. Their revolutionary products, which included the ipod, iphone and the ipad are now to be concidered as a dictating the evolution of modern technology in our precent time. Steven Jobs had success in 1970 that put Apple back on track. His product the imac, had a effective branding campaign that caught the attention of the consumers in the market at the time boosting Apple to the top. Apple went through the roof after this campaign. Apple introducted revolutionary products such as the macbook air, ipod, and the iphone which dictated the evolution of modern technology. In 2008, Apple's program itunes became the second biggest music retailer in America, which marks a success point in their company. This new technology in Apple's products have changed how we do business, retail, music, and the education process for the better. Steven's products alow us as consumers to do daily activies faster and more effective and efficent than ever before. Information can now be passed on easier from comapny to company, person to person, and from your hand whereever you are in the world. Steven Jobs lived a good life with some rough parts in it but has made all of our life better too through what he did at Apple. We can learn from him to never stop trying new things and always try to follow your dreams. Steve Jobs changed the world of technology to a high level system and would like to thank him for what he did. He will aways be remembered fro what he did at his company Apple.

1 comment:

josh bassett said...

i feel like u summed up his life 100%. he was a great man and we will never forget him. he will be in the history books for years to come. he has made some of the best products on the market to date and left many more new ideas for apply to use in the future. Rip Steve Jobs