Sunday, October 16, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs left behind an amazing legacy. He may in fact be the greatest entrepreneur of all time according to the video, which I very much agree with. Steve was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve also founded Pixar Animation Studios and Next, which was a computer platform system. As you can tell Steve Jobs was an extremely smart and gifted individual. By watching these videos I learned a whole lot about him that I never knew. For one, I did not have a clue that he got fired from Apple and went on to create two other extraordinary businesses. This just shows the determination Steve had which eventually landed him back at his original position of CEO at Apple Inc. Also, I never knew that he did not graduate from college. When I heard this, it just blew my mind. I had no clue that someone of that intelligence could just not attend college. But then I realized that we were in different times and that was probably normal for some people back then.

Steve Jobs basically created the whole entertainment side of technology. If you look at some early Apple commercial’s you could see what I’m talking about. He took everything a regular pc had, put it on steroids and added things such as music and Photoshop. He created ITunes which made listening and storing music easy. ITunes also made transferring music from your computer to your IPod easy. Itunes was a huge break for Apple because everyone who had a regular pc had to find some program to transfer music to their device and it was very frustrating, ITunes took away these headaches. Due to this, you now see ITunes on almost every computer. This is not the only program Steve Jobs took to the next level; he put Photoshop on the map. Mac’s were a photographer’s dream, it made editing, printing and saving extremely easier. Another thing Steve Jobs was genius at was the way he marketed his products. He knew what to say and when to say it. For example, , in this video he is saying a pc processing system is good but why would you buy that when you can a Mac and get a better processor with more options. Whenever something is out of date they automatically upgrade and make something new, which is why they come out with a new line of products ever October. Apple is hands down the best marketing and retail business in the United States today thanks to Steve Jobs.

The Impact that Steve Jobs has had on our generation is unbelievable. Without him our information and technology systems would be no where as close as they are today. Nothing against Bill Gates but Macintosh blows Windows out of the water. Just think about what we would do today with out Ipods, ITunes, or Photoshop. People would go crazy. Steve Jobs single handedly change information systems for the better. The one lesson I will learn from Steve Jobs is to never give up on something you are determined to do. He showed me that you could change your and everyone else’s life for the better if you put your mind to it.

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