Monday, October 17, 2011

Steve Jobs-May You Rest In Peace

               It is hard to even think about where to begin in regards to the life and career of Steve Jobs. Jobs was an innovator to transforming information systems into user friendly tools to help a person’s lifestyle. He defied the assumption that all corporate CEOS of large companies are “big”, “bad”, and ruining the structure of the United States. If anything, Jobs provided a standard that all CEOs and all executives should follow. Though his death did not come as a total shock to many, his death has affected many Apple enthusiasts personally. It is the end of an era, but Jobs’ legacy will live on forever.

                Jobs impacted information systems for the better. Previous to the start of Apple, there was no true competitor to the work of Bill Gates. Jobs created seamless information systems that have become the “designer” gadgets in retail. Specifically, within retail, Jobs set the bar standard of quality. Though the typical user will pay a heftier price than purchasing a non-Apple product, the price tag insures a level of high quality and high expectations. Complaints for Apple products rare, and if there is an issue-the tech workers fix those Macbooks, iPhones, and iPads in only a moment’s time.

                I personally feel that Jobs greatest advancement with the company was the introduction of the iPod. To this day, there is not an MP3 player that even comes close to the superiority and excellence of this product. iPods fit nearly every individual’s needs and personality. Additionally, Jobs created and founded a music information system that works hand in hand with the iPod. iTunes is a conventional, yet functional computer program. Its simplicity makes the program easy to use, but the additional features and applications can make iTunes very advanced for the tech-savvy user.

                I do not believe that the work of Steve Jobs can be summed up in just one blog post. I am more than impressed by his work and inspiration he has left on this world. I think it is safe to say that Jobs is a hero to information systems. I hope that the work of Apple will only to continue to grow, and that Jobs inspiration and powerful words live on forever.

Steve Jobs Memorial

1 comment:

Stefany Mendez said...

Steve Jobs obviously is a role model that shows us what can be down with dedication, motivation and the dire to change the world. He has a vision to change and help people have an easier life as well as affect the future. He opens the doors to technology that we are amazed to see and work with every day. He has influenced so many innovators and ideas that will slowly bring us to the next generation. The fact that he died makes us realize how much he has done for us and I think we recognize it more now when he is gone. I think this gives opportunity for other innovators to shine although Apple has been the lead in basically every technology industry known to us now. Apple is evidently staying strong and I know that Steve Job’s vision will only grow stronger, and make the future a better place.