Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lotus Quickr. By Samuel

The IBM's new product Lotus Quickr provides shared content with version control in the form of documents directories with check-in and check-out features based on user privileges. This program provides online team spaces where members can share and collaborate by utilizing team calendars, discussions forums, blogs, wikis, and other collaboration tools for managing projects and other content. This program is very effective becuase it makes it easier for parties to collaborate with each other, which conducts more efficiently. Belgium's the largest contruction company, has put the collaboration tools of Quickr to good use for example. The condtruction projects within have many parties the must collaborate effectively so that they can get the project done on time with the best cost. For example when these projects are conducted on a global scale, the parties are seperated across the world, and become very complexed. This program makes the process much more effective when dealing with long distance collaboration with companies. I believe that this software can reduce both the volume of large transations and large attachments sent through e-mail and the impact of the e-mails of the companies systems, and as a result becoming more efficient.


Austin Pond said...

I agree with you and think that this program is really effective. People are able to share information and what they are working on with each other. This allows them to give each other ideas, and let them look over there work almost like they are peer editing. It is very interesting how companies can now work across the world while saving money and valuable time. This is going to be the key to many companies success.

Adam said...

I believe what you stated in your reading of Lotus was spot on. The example of the construction company shows how it helps with the communication process in a great way. It brings together all aspects of the business on a global scale into one spot where they can collaborate with eachother. This improves buiness by having more input in the different aspects of the project and ultimately lead to more profits and a better project.