Saturday, October 29, 2011


I looked at the site. The two that interested me the most was, they have a new Bluetooth app for the iphone. You can track your health through out your phone. And also the hands free phone for your car.

The iphone/ipod, has apps now that you can put a Bluetooth chip in your shoe so when you are running/ walking it will send what your heart rate and how much calories you are burning from your work out. I think this is very interesting because a your don’t even no the chip is in your shoe because its so small and It can be pulled up right on your phone/mp3 player. This is new technology that is changing the whole sports market. A few years ago this would be unheard of, no one ever thought this would be possible. After reading about this I want to go out and buy one.

The other one I looked at was the car Bluetooth. Now that the laws have changed in most states prohibiting you to use your phone when you’re driving. This is a great product to use. When someone calls you or your talking to someone on the phone it comes through the car radio. The interesting part is that your phone can be in your pocket, and just because it’s in the car you can answer it thought the radio. A lot of business sales people are using them; most deals are done in the car or on a golf course. You can also answer text messages and write them back thought this Bluetooth product. Most cars have them already installed when you buy the car. But if you have an older car you can buy it at best buy or on the Bluetooth website. My mom bought a new car and it already installed. When im in the car my phone locks right in to. It’s easy to use and not hard to set up. I think this product will save life’s, because most car accident that happen because people are on the phone or texting. Over all the two products I have looked at are great ideas. I can’t wait to see what Bluetooth comes up with in the coming years.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I found what you said about car bluetooth saving lives interesting and true. I see so many people driving by on their cell phones these days with texting or calling someone and they will be driving all over the road. Having this bluetooth technology will allow the user to use both hands while driving, and instead of paying attention to holding their phone they will be able to pay attention to how they are driving.