Friday, September 9, 2011

Josh Bassett. World is flat

The most significant flattener from his lecture on his book for me was the number 9 In-forming. He used Google and other search engine as examples. Because never before could someone get any information they needed from there own computer. Before Google you had to buy a paper or go to the library to look up past events that took place. Now when using Google you can look up in all the archives of what happened yesterday or even 40 years ago if you wanted. I look back and can’t believe the effort it took back in the day to find out information. Soon history books will not be needed in the basement of most library’s because it’s all on the internet and all you need to do is type it in on Google. Post will come up about what you’re looking for, Thomas Friedman said there were roughly one billion searches on Google a day. I was appalled when I herd him say that, I thought to my self there is no way everything that I want to find out I can search for it on Google. So I did my own investigation. I went on to Google to research what year did the first NCAA divisions 1 lacrosse championship happen. Here were my findings, I thought only a few results would come up but I was wrong there were 9,060,000 results. For this one topic. Witch is unheard of back in the day. Before it was probably hard to find this one answer. Now sense Google it took me 2 seconds to find all those result.

If innovations like Google were never made, we would still be spending valuable time in are days to do school work and finding out research material for projects. These search engines gloried the whole world and made it flat, because you can find out information that happened in other countries. Many people use Google to research a place where they want to go on vacation before they get there to have better knowledge of the area and traditions there. Years ago this was unheard of. These search engines have made the day-to-day life simpler for everyone. I feel like this is just the beginning, Google came out with Google earth a few years ago where you can type in an address and you can see it from the sky. Soon it will be a live feed and you will know what’s going on in any location you type in.


Michael B. said...

I agree with you 100% Josh. I can’t even image the world with out Google anymore. I agree with you on the point where you said that history books soon will not be needed in libraries anymore, because you can find anything and everything on the internet now. The part where Tom Freidman said there are roughly one billion searches a day on Google; I too was amazed at this. I can’t believe that there really is that many searches a day, but then I can when you think about how basically everyone uses a computer now. I agree with you completely about how if Google was never created, or sites similar to Google, that we would be spending so much valuable time on schoolwork. Research for projects would take so much longer; you would have to spend ours in a library and drive to there multiple times, which now you can just stay at home and find all the information faster and much more efficiently. Google and similar have made day-to-day life so much easier for everyone, I really like this point that you made. I agree with you how you said that this is just the beginning, that means there is so much more to come that we can’t even think of now.

Stefany Mendez said...

Josh, its so true. But what amazes me is how every time someone is looking for information they rely on Google to have the answers, well in reality Google just gives the most popular answers so in reality we shouldn't be relying on it as much as we do today. Search engines are based off popularity and key words, the more mentions and popularity the website or information has the higher it is on the search engine and the easier it is to get people to see it because as you may agree, when searching something you never go past the first result page. This has been an important flattener because we all know that this world is a world of knowledge but of quick knowledge, we want to know more, and we want to know fast... we never go past that first or second page. I agree with you this is a flattener to definitely consider revolutionary!