Friday, September 9, 2011

Most Significant Flattener

The most significant flattener from Tom Friedman’s lecture was when Netscape went officially public. Since I am a huge tech person, I believe that this is one of the greatest things that happened. So many things have happen in spite of the Internet being created. This was huge because people around the world now had access to the Internet around the world. People could now get information and build knowledge about certain things much quicker than before Netscape went officially public. The Internet is and will always be one of the greatest inventions that have been create, some of the other things that have been created in spite of Netscape going public was outsourcing, insourcing, uploading, informing, supply chaining, and offshoring. All of these were possible because Netscape went public. I believe this is one of the greatest things and it was a huge focus in Tom Friedman’s book as well.

- Michael Busby

1 comment:

josh bassett said...

I agree with you 100% Michael. I cant imagine what today’s world would be without Internet. Instead of bogging doing this homework online, we would have had to been in class writing it down on paper than switching it with someone else so they could responded. This was a huge invention for stores also. Because now they can have an online catalog where they can sell more products and not having to take up space in the store with things that aren’t in demand but people still want to buy. I was watching an ad during ad during one of the football games that were on and it said 1 and 4 relationships started online. If Netscape were never invented than tough’s people would have never met. I feel like the Internet means a lot in are society to stay connect with everyone. You are a good example your from Cali, picture how hard it would be to talk to your family if there was no Internet. Emails get to the person right away; mail takes at least 2 days.