Friday, September 9, 2011

Most Significant Flattener

I believe that the most significant flattener from Tom Friedman’s lecture was from 8/9/95 when Netscape went public. This was basically the creation of the Internet for everyone around the world with their web browser. It also helped create the .Com boom, which is one of the most major booms in human history. This brought a whole new level of communication throughout the world with people from countries from one end of the world connecting with people all the way across the other end at a speed that no one had ever seen before. It also increased the knowledge of people because you could get information much quicker than going to a library and looking it up. This flattener helped create 6 other flatteners also stated in Friedman’s lecture, which are outsourcing, offshoring, insourcing, uploading, informing, and supply chaining. All of these flatteners couldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for Netscape going public. That is why I believe that Netscape was the flattener that had the most affect on the world today. It had the greatest influence on the world and especially Friedman’s book.

- Dan Prestes

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