Saturday, September 10, 2011

Netscape, most important flattener

Stefany Mendez

In the video featured on youtube ofThomas L. Friedman where he explains that the world is flattening the most significant flattener for me is the second one. On August 9 1995 in Mountain View, California,Netscape went public. Netscape gave us the Internet; well it created the Internet browser, which allowed people to search through the Internet, listen to music and look up files. This was the most important to me because our generation has evolved based on the Internet. The technology that we value now is only valuable because it allows us to search through the web and download files and music quicker and more effectively. This to me is the greatest flattener because it really did change the future in every nation. Because of Internet browsing we can easily allow us to read the news and learn about foreign things. The internet browsing as well as making life easier for us it also took jobs away because people were able to do things from their own homes such as online banking lessening the need for tellers, online shopping lessening the need of employees at stores, eBooks lessening the need of libraries and etc. It has made an effect to our society in a positive as well as negative way. Netscape also allows the Internet to be interconnected because it did not allow any one company to dominate the Internet. It is a market place where everyone has equal chance to perform and it allows better communication and also allows the user to decide what resource they feel is better for whatever they are doing whether it is downloading music or searching for answers on something complex. Netscape also destroyed the walls that avoided people to communicate with each other. Example, someone on msn could not communicate with someone on AOL, but because of the Netscape, users from different businesses and different systems could communicate with each other. To me this was very important because we have a simplified life thanks to Internet browsing. We use this enforced feature every day of our lives because it is essential to almost everything we do. Compared to all the flatteners explained by Thomas L. Friedman to me, Netscape on August 9th 1995 was the most life changing and most significant one because of the effect it had on our current standing in life and our current practices as a society.


Tom H said...


Stefany, I agree with everything you just said. Without Netscape we would not be able to be on Facebook, Twitter, or even this blog. "Netscape also destroyed the walls that avoided people to communicate with each other. Example, someone on msn could not communicate with someone on AOL, but because of the Netscape, users from different businesses and different systems could communicate with each other". When you talked about taking down the walls it really made me realize that this was very important aspect of my life and multiple others currently. I know that I would be lost because I wouldn’t be able to look up research papers and just to do everyday stuff. Also another thing you said was that it gave equal opportunity to all businesses. I thought that this was a great comment to make because at the point when Netscape came out, they were all on the same page. Great Post.

Michelle Cheng said...

Hey Stefany,

I agree with your post because, without Netscape breaking down the barriers between websites I think we would all find it hard and annoying to communicate with other people on different systems. Therefore, I think it's important to address that. I also, agree with you about how the internet has become so significant in our life by simplifying so many things it's almost hard to live without! Great job!

- Michelle

Dave Jones said...

I agree, I think Netscape was one of the most revolutionary and improtant innovations of the digital era. We use the internet now for nearly everything, and almost everyone agrees that life before the internet is hard to imagine. And while the internet was availible before Netscape was, Netscape really enhanced the ability for people across huge distances to communicate since they stopped relying on their private web providers to make contact. It also was the building blocks for what we use today.