Wednesday, December 14, 2011

HW #10

The topic I liked the most this past semester was when we talked about was wireless technologies and cloud computing. Wireless technology is something that is used every single day in our lives and has become heavily depended and relied upon in society. From our cell phones all the way to EZ Pass we are affected by wireless technology. Smartphones can do pretty much anything you can think of now, especially the iPhone where you can do everything from GPS and checking your email to now actually talking to your phone like a person and having it give you back responses to the questions you ask. The knowledge that obtained from the class that helped me further understand wireless technology was how mobile computing works and wireless application protocol that enables the wireless devices, such as our phones to access the information we want from the internet and so on. I will definitely be able to use this knowledge in my professional life because it gives me a better understanding of the wireless devices I am using on a day to day basis. When it comes to cloud computing, I believe that this is the next big thing in the technology world and it is very important for us to learn about so that we know what it is and how we can use it. The knowledge that I learned in class was what cloud computing actually is, which was that could computing stores information that you have on either your computer or smartphone, and store it over the internet. This way you will never lose your information, music, movies, etc. if your computer or smartphones crashes. I will use this information I learned in my professional life in many ways. I think that cloud computing will eventually arrive in the professional world and that some of the information you need to obtain or even put work that I complete on the cloud so that other employees can see what I did without even sending an email or handing it in person. These two topics I felt were the most relevant to our every day life and it was what I was most interest in.

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