Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homework #10

When I looked backed on everything that we learned this semester, I decided that the two things that I enjoyed learning about, or found the most interest in was when we talked about the different types of information systems in the workplace and in business and the day that we talked about Steve Jobs and his life and accomplishments.

There are so many different types of information systems and so many different aspects and features of the information systems. I found it interesting how business utilize different information systems to help their businesses function better, because they might be using a certain payroll system that keeps track of all of the employees hours and what their wages are that they have earned. This helps protect the business from the employee going in and changing their hours so that it looks like they worked more and they would get paid more money. This prevents that from happening because usually only the manger can go in and change hours of employees. I also found it interesting how the different information systems keep track of all the inventory of a business. It keeps track of how much of a product a business has and how much it has sold, and so on and so forth. I also liked all of the tech features of it, such as the hardware, the software, the databases that the IS use, the networks that they run off of, and how people actually use the different types of Information systems in a business.

I enjoyed the day that we talked about Steve Jobs life, career, and accomplishments that he had during his life. I have always respected Steve Jobs and since I love Apple and Apple products, I found this day and topic to be very interesting, because I got to learn about the Life of one of the Biggest names in technology history. Steve Jobs did so much to get Apple to be where it is today and it is a sad thing that he is no longer alive to see where his company is going to be heading. He built the empire of Apple and everything that Apple stands for.


Anthony said...

I agree with Michael that Steve Jobs was an extremely important topic. His accomplishments were groundbreaking. Starting from a simple PC and working all the way through laptops, music devices, phones, and now tablets. His genius is incomparable. His plans for the future of Apple must be unbelievable. With what he's done up until his death, Apple should have no problem continuing their success.

Katelynn said...
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Katelynn said...
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Katelynn said...

Michael, I agree completely with your conclusions on Steve Jobs!Steve Jobs' list of accomplishments are so great that I think any person with any idea about Apple products could discuss this topic for hours.

I also agree that information systems are so versatile. Information systems exist everywhere, so it is very important to understand their function and capabilities on the business world.

Steve Jobs' inventions are a perfect connection of understanding IS and relating them back to real-life. Apple products are created solely with the user in mind, which is why they are even simple and friendly enough for a kid to use. I love Apple products as well,and your post helped me appreciate my iPod even more than before!

Have a wonderful and restful winter break :)