Thursday, December 15, 2011

Katelynn Havener Homework #10

               Although we did not study this topic in great depth, I personally enjoyed our class discussions on social networking. I truly believe that Twitter and Facebook have become the future of technology. I also have used these two web-based information systems throughout my college career, both socially and professionally. I first started to understand the ways in which businesses can adopt social media practices all the way back during my internship Junior year. Many of my clients asked my Public Relations firm to set-up and manage Twitter and Facebook accounts of a means of free-advertising. This MIS class taught me how wide-spread the effects of social networking are. These websites which are entirely user generated and ran, now have the versatility to be accessed anywhere at any time through the use of portable info systems (iPads, laptops, smart phones etc.). I know that I will use this information in my professional life, especially if I pursue a career in the communications field. I am sure social media will even have a bigger hype by the time I am working full-time.

                Another topic which I enjoyed was learning about Bluetooth technology. I never really understood this product, and did not know its use beyond hands-free talk. From my research and class discussion, I have discovered that this form of technology can be found in GPS devices, to heart and health monitors. Bluetooth technology is much more extensive than I originally assumed and once thought. I think this information directly pertains to my professional life, because I never know when I will come across one of these products in my workplace, or will need it to complete a task or job-function. I might even be more likely to purchase one of these products now that I have learned its capabilities!

                Overall, this class really helped me better understand information systems. I had also kept this area of the business world as a ‘mysterious’ topic, and unknown territory, because I do not have much experience in the world of technology. I think I will be a bit more adventurous, and may now take the initiative to stay on top of information systems news and trends! This class has taught me how to use Microsoft Access, how to blog, how information systems are applied in the business world, and the many possibilities and career opportunities in MIS. I am glad to have had the opportunity to take this class with you all, and wish you the best of luck in your future semesters at Nichols. J

Homework #10

The two topics I learned about that I felt were most important were the threats to privacy and e-commerce.
I never knew that there were so many ways to track a computer. Electronic surveillance is the most common of these threats. There are different types of software programs that can track key strokes or visited webpages. Along with electronic surveillance, computer hackers can hack into personal databases and steal personal information such as credit card number and social security numbers. Phishing is another, less detectable, way of gaining entrance to personal information by posing as a trustworthy entity. Usually these emails come from websites that want you to buy something or confirm information.
E-commerce is a topic that has expanded all over the world and is becoming more and more advanced. Being a management major, I believe it is important for me to know both sides of e-commerce. It is an easy way to expose your company to many cliental that would not usually see your product. Also it allows you to trace your product from the warehouse until it reaches the consumer.
Coming from a business school, it is important to be aware of how to operate our own business as well being able to walk into a position knowing how to use their system. This corse is a great college requirement.

Homework #10

When I looked backed on everything that we learned this semester, I decided that the two things that I enjoyed learning about, or found the most interest in was when we talked about the different types of information systems in the workplace and in business and the day that we talked about Steve Jobs and his life and accomplishments.

There are so many different types of information systems and so many different aspects and features of the information systems. I found it interesting how business utilize different information systems to help their businesses function better, because they might be using a certain payroll system that keeps track of all of the employees hours and what their wages are that they have earned. This helps protect the business from the employee going in and changing their hours so that it looks like they worked more and they would get paid more money. This prevents that from happening because usually only the manger can go in and change hours of employees. I also found it interesting how the different information systems keep track of all the inventory of a business. It keeps track of how much of a product a business has and how much it has sold, and so on and so forth. I also liked all of the tech features of it, such as the hardware, the software, the databases that the IS use, the networks that they run off of, and how people actually use the different types of Information systems in a business.

I enjoyed the day that we talked about Steve Jobs life, career, and accomplishments that he had during his life. I have always respected Steve Jobs and since I love Apple and Apple products, I found this day and topic to be very interesting, because I got to learn about the Life of one of the Biggest names in technology history. Steve Jobs did so much to get Apple to be where it is today and it is a sad thing that he is no longer alive to see where his company is going to be heading. He built the empire of Apple and everything that Apple stands for.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

HW #10

After looking back at everything we learned this semester, the two main topics that I found most interesting were the different types of Information Systems and then also their capabilities. Different types of information systems include hardware, software, a database, a network, and people. Even though we continued to learn new things throughout the year, information systems always had a part in everything.

Capabilities that the systems have are they are able to store huge amounts of information in a little space, perform high speed communications, and can interpret a lot of data and different information quickly. These information systems have had a great effect on managers and will continue to on our future jobs. With data collection becoming easier than ever before, it is helping speed up a lot of different things. Hardware and software are in things that we use every day. This is why it is such an interesting topic to learn about.

We also learned the difference between hardware and software in class. Hardware is the actual physical part. This includes the circuit boards, processor, and keyboard. The software is the actual operating system and the compliers. All of this information that we learned in class will be used in all of our future jobs, and I am glad that we were required to take this class.

HW #10

The topic I liked the most this past semester was when we talked about was wireless technologies and cloud computing. Wireless technology is something that is used every single day in our lives and has become heavily depended and relied upon in society. From our cell phones all the way to EZ Pass we are affected by wireless technology. Smartphones can do pretty much anything you can think of now, especially the iPhone where you can do everything from GPS and checking your email to now actually talking to your phone like a person and having it give you back responses to the questions you ask. The knowledge that obtained from the class that helped me further understand wireless technology was how mobile computing works and wireless application protocol that enables the wireless devices, such as our phones to access the information we want from the internet and so on. I will definitely be able to use this knowledge in my professional life because it gives me a better understanding of the wireless devices I am using on a day to day basis. When it comes to cloud computing, I believe that this is the next big thing in the technology world and it is very important for us to learn about so that we know what it is and how we can use it. The knowledge that I learned in class was what cloud computing actually is, which was that could computing stores information that you have on either your computer or smartphone, and store it over the internet. This way you will never lose your information, music, movies, etc. if your computer or smartphones crashes. I will use this information I learned in my professional life in many ways. I think that cloud computing will eventually arrive in the professional world and that some of the information you need to obtain or even put work that I complete on the cloud so that other employees can see what I did without even sending an email or handing it in person. These two topics I felt were the most relevant to our every day life and it was what I was most interest in.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


During this last semester in MIS the thing that I liked learning about the most was the Bluetooth products. I feel like this is a great product for people to use in their day-to-day life. Sometimes when I am out and about I think people are talking to them self’s until I see the little thing in their ear. When the product first came out it was a huge piece of equipment and now they are wicked small. Some states have passed laws that prohibit you from using your cell phone when driving. After this happened most cars come with Bluetooth built in. stats show that sales men spend more time in the car making deals. Its just not in cars almost everything we use in are life is Bluetooth now. For example newer T.Vs have it so you don’t need to run cables for them to work anymore, and the oldest form of this that Is still in use today is the T.V clicker or a wireless gamming controller. If Bluetooth was never invented than all of are lives would be different because we would have to change the channel by getting up off the couch and manually doing it. Or wouldn’t be able to connect your iPod of music device though your car stereo. But the biggest impact on the product was when your cell phone connected to it so you could still be on the phone while driving in though states that prohibit it. And even being about to walk around stores hands free. I feel like this is a huge part of are day-to-day life and I am glad that I learned more information about them.

Homework #10

My favorite portion of our class was on Wireless Technologies. Many of us can still remember the days of the dial up modem and having Cat-4 and Cat-5 wires running throughout our houses to have each computer we had hooked up to the internet. But in today's world it's unnecessary to have wires as everything today is wireless. From smartphones to netbook computers, we now have the ability to access the internet from anywhere we might be. That's not even the half of what our smartphones are capable of doing, they can act as a GPS unit and provide us with directions, or we can tie our email accounts directly to our phone so it essentially eliminates the need for a desktop or even a laptop computer. Our media is even being transmitted to us wirelessly through mediums such as Sirius radio and the now obsolete XM radio. Wireless transmissions are even allowing for easier travel via the Fast Pass or EZ Pass system for vehicles in which stopping for tolls has become a thing of the past. Even external hard drive companies such as Seagate and Western Digital are getting in on the wireless craze by releasing wireless external hard drives that act as a gigantic backup drive that you're always connected to if you're within the area. There are, of course, some security problems that can arise from these wireless networks though, with the most common being hacks from a rogue access point. However, if your computer has up to date protection and you are adept at recognizing a RAP then you should have no problem with them. We're even using our mobile devices as a way of completing transactions. A recent report has shown that every one in four Starbucks Card transactions is completed via a mobile app on iOS, Android, and Blackberry. It's completely mind blowing to think that barcodes generated in our phones could quite possibly be the way that we complete transactions in the future, as things like gift cards and credit cards go by the way of the dinosaur, extinct.

Homework #10

During the year in MIS I enjoyed and learned the most from the section Wireless Technology, and Mobil Computing. In this day and age as everything is becoming smaller and faster, wireless technology makes it easy for us to be on the move and still be able to access the internet. Wireless devices are small enough to easily carry or wear, have sufficient computing power to perform productive tasks and can communicate wirelessly with the Internet and other devices. Mobil computing is a huge asset to e business because it makes everything easier for business people to keep in contact with other members within the company, if when traveling they don’t need to have a computer; they can access everything from their hand with their smart phone. I learned that Mobil computing is put into five sections, Ubiquity which makes mobile devices that can provide information and communications regardless of user’s location. Convenience and Instant Connectivity, which makes internet-enabled mobile device to makes it easy and fast to access the web, intranets, and other mobile devices without booting up a PC or placing a call. Personalization, the information can be customized and sent to individual consumers. Localization of products and services, this is knowing a user’s location helps companies advertise their products and services. I learned that Wireless Technology is constantly changing and becoming better as time goes on. You can also use Wireless Technology for music, GPS, e- commerce, and other day to day processes. Wireless security is also a very important asset to the wireless technology age because keeping your information safe from outsiders is very important. I was taught that wireless security is put into four categories, Rogue access point which is an unauthorized access point to a wireless network, so you can use your smart phones on the go. The next one is War driving, which is the act of locating WLANs while driving around a city or elsewhere. Eavesdropping refers to efforts by unauthorized users to try to access data traveling over the wireless networks. Finally there is RF (Radio frequency) jamming, which is when a person or a device intentionally or unintentionally interferes with your wireless network transmissions, with intent to steal information. In closing the wireless generation is growing rapidly, and taking the place of desktop computers because people are more on the move now.

HW 10 Interest for the year

Over this semester I have learned many things that have interested me in the MIS field. One of the main topics that I was interested in was the Iphone blog that we did. Over the years the Iphone has been number one in the cell phone market as well as Apple being the number one provider to the MP3 market all across the world. Some MIS aspects that we went over were how the 4s Iphone is so innovative now and the various technologies that it can use on the Iphone itself. Something that I found interesting that Apple didn’t add to their new phone was the 4G capability. On the Android powered phones the 4G is a key selling point for them. The speculators on the other hand say that the 3G is so powerful on the Iphone 4S that you don’t even need to worry about the 4G capability ( Another thing that PC World states is that the shutter speed of the phone was reduced drastically. It went from 1.1 to .5 seconds. This was a great innovation that was important to the market. Everyone wants a fast phone so they can download that next big thing. The Siri Voice command is also very helpful when using the phone. It can help you find out weather or even the score of the baseball game. It will result in a great aspect of the phone that multiple will use to their advantage in the professional atmosphere. The high resolution camera can also take videos which can help in a last minute situation.

I actually purchased an Iphone now because of all the features that people brought up. I thought that the Iphone was extremely innovative and it could be reliable unlike my current phone (android system). I have learned that sometimes buying a reliable product versus a new technology is better and that it is respected by most as a great professional decision. I know that I can be confident that my Iphone will help me in a professional way when I do enter into the workforce in the upcoming years.