Sunday, November 6, 2011

3G v. 4G: Response to Tom

Tom, I agree that our society is slowly beginning to transition to a 4G world. Like most changes in technology, it takes time for all members in society to adapt to the new product or idea. However, I guarantee that by the time 4G gains some popularity, 5G or the next best service will already be available to wireless customers. In marketing terms, there are more technology lagers than there are innovators.  The innovators will be the first consumers to purchase the latest iPhone or make the switch to faster cell service, but the lagers or late adopters will wait until the product becomes well-trusted and carries a lower price tag. This being said, once the 4G service becomes a bit more friendly in price, many users will make the switch as it is a definite improvement in speed and capability. I would say within the next year alone, 4G service will have standard availability throughout the majority of the U.S. and beyond. Nice job and good insight-I really enjoyed reading your post!

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