Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bluetooth Products

Bluetooth technology was created to help make products more convenient and less of a hassle. It lets you get rid of all the wires, and allows you to use the product hands free. After researching some products I learned that Bluetooth is a lot more than just being allowed to talk hands free in your car.

The first product I want to look at is there technology used with wireless headphones. You can be watching television or listening to music on your computer, and without any cords you are able to listen through your headphones. This is going to open up a whole new business to companies who make headphones. I think that with the technology getting more advance in this area, that the majority of headphones are going to become wireless like this.

The second product that I found to be very interesting and that is really enhanced by Bluetooth technology was printers. You can send pictures not only from your camera to your printer, but also from your computer and your phone. With this you can also send information from each device, and then decide what pictures you want to print. From personal experience, I know how much of a hassle it can be to try and hook up different devices with wires to your printer. With this technology it takes all of this away, and your picture will be waiting for you when you actually get to your printer.

Bluetooth Technology is starting to appear everywhere in the world. It can be used for many different products, and there are endless opportunities with it. It started of just being used for your cellphone, but now is being used in numerous more products. As we discussed in class technology is always growing, and it will be very interesting to see what Bluetooth comes up with in the future.

Homework 7 3G/4G

3G refers to the 3rd generation of mobile technology that brings forth an international mobile telecommunication. 4G refers to the 4th generation of mobile technology. As we all know the new and latest 4G technology was released not some long ago. However, can we really call it 4G? Looking at your mobile 4G device does it really have 4G every place you go? The answer is no. This is because the "4G" carriers also carry 3G. When the 4G access isn't around the mobile device will use 3G instead. In most cases your mobile device is using 3G which is significantly slower. Major cities are just about the only spot where one can access full 4G. I feel after the whole nation wide 4G comes around finally we will be hooked on to another great invention such as nation wide wifi.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

3G v. 4G: Response to Tom

Tom, I agree that our society is slowly beginning to transition to a 4G world. Like most changes in technology, it takes time for all members in society to adapt to the new product or idea. However, I guarantee that by the time 4G gains some popularity, 5G or the next best service will already be available to wireless customers. In marketing terms, there are more technology lagers than there are innovators.  The innovators will be the first consumers to purchase the latest iPhone or make the switch to faster cell service, but the lagers or late adopters will wait until the product becomes well-trusted and carries a lower price tag. This being said, once the 4G service becomes a bit more friendly in price, many users will make the switch as it is a definite improvement in speed and capability. I would say within the next year alone, 4G service will have standard availability throughout the majority of the U.S. and beyond. Nice job and good insight-I really enjoyed reading your post!

Bluetooth-No Wires Needed

                Since the invention of Bluetooth technology, products compatible with this product have been both enhanced and expanded. Bluetooth has helped make many electronics more effective or user friendly. Specifically, Bluetooth technology has successfully provided a way to drive safely while still being able to use a cell phone for calls. By using a Bluetooth wireless headset in conjunction with hands-free car systems, a driver can now talk on the phone, use speak-to-talk technology, or play music without the hassle of cables or cords. Bluetooth technology is helping reduce the annual rate of car accidents that occur from driver distraction when using a cell phone, and is overall making the roads safer for other drivers. Additionally, Bluetooth technology has several other uses for vehicles. Bluetooth enabled GPS devices, and MP3 adapters provide easy and hassle free travels. One unique product which has especially shaped the medical and car industry is the Bluetooth Health Monitor. People who have Diabetes can now feel more comfortable driving when using this product, as the monitor constantly measures the driver’s blood-glucose levels. In general, Bluetooth looks out for the health, safety, and well-being of drivers through state-of-the-art wireless technology.
                Bluetooth does not just enhance cars. Bluetooth also betters personal health and fitness through the use of Body Monitor products. Body monitors can be used by professional athletes, or those who are simply looking to boost their daily workout routine. Pedometers, Heart Rate Monitors, and watches are just a few Bluetooth sensory inspired items which help improve workout results. Because the Bluetooth company devotes a heavy focus to health and fitness, many athletes will rely, trust and utilize this form of wireless technology. Body monitors provide immediate results and feedback, a feature that an athlete or a health conscious individual feels is important or essential to their personal improvement.
                As you can see, Bluetooth technology is just about everywhere. From cars to treadmills, Bluetooth has the ability to impact a wide range of people. I personally feel that Bluetooth shapes today’s technology as their products are so versatile and useful. As discussed in class, information systems are everywhere. Bluetooth devices are comprised of various info systems that serve a variety of purposes for the consumer. I think that Bluetooth products will only continue to grow and better our world in the future.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

3G v. 4G

There is much speculation about the differences of 3G versus 4G when it comes to cell phone service. 4G is supposed to be 10 times faster than its counterpart 3G. In todays cell phone world most of the phones only have a 3G that is advanced even though it might be called 4G. 4G is means fourth generation. The cell phone industries are trying to push this 4G by using marketing to make people think it is faster. 4G will also lead to faster capability and an increase in the individual’s cell phone bill monthly. Most people want to stay with the 3G because they are able to access all their needs on that setup. 4G isn’t everywhere yet so it is hard to find coverage in certain spots in the U.S. This makes the debate hard for the consumer. They have to decide fast service and limited coverage or reliable everything. Over all 4G is the better pick I feel. The new technology will catch up to the standard that needs to be upheld in this society. I feel that the cell phone companies will figure out what needs to be done and still have 4 and 3G being used by the majority of the United States.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Steve Jobs

I truly believe that the story of Steve Jobs is a story of inspiration, success and motivation. His innovation has changed the world in away that we will be able to see for years to come. His success story focuses on
the challenges in which he had to overcome to become who he became. He was aware of a need that people were searching and he successfully satisfied that need by addressing it in any way
possible. Steve Jobs can be thanked for the iPod the iPhone, the MacBook’s, and
the iPad. These products are today’s latest essentials and they will be very
important in the business world.
Jobs changed retail by adding products that have lead in
their industries. Its competitors try to match the level of innovation but Steve
jobs made Apple the leading manufacturer for MP3 players, Laptops Pads and
Phones.  Music and entertainment has been affected by Steve Jobs
because people now can listen to music anywhere they want and can sink it to
any of their devices through iTunes. ITunes makes it easy for anyone to
download music, movies and even listen to radio broadcasts.
Business has been affected in such a big way. You see people using iPads in meetings instead of a laptop
or writing down notes. Business is affected by this even if they are not Apple
users because competitors update and try to innovate to compete with Apple and these
changes the way business runs all over the world.  Education has been effected positively by the innovations of Steve Jobs because as a student I can see how convenient it is to have a Mac,
in the last 3 years I have never had a virus on my MacBook, I have never had an issue with my iPod and now I just upgraded to an iPhone, it influences my education because it keeps me organized and updated with the latest technology trends which is good for me because I will be able to understand technology in
the future if I am always up to date and using the latest technology for my education.
Steve Jobs allowed us through his ideas to be able to multitask and do more with our lives, his struggles show us that anyone can have a dream and use the “thinking out of the box” technique to change the world.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Evolution to 4G

If our ancestors could have imagined that one day they would be able to control nearly every aspect of their life from their mobile device, they probably would have laughed at the very idea. Things like that only exist in the cartoons and movies, and yet as we continue through the 21st century, that idea is slowly becoming a reality. But in order for us to truly be able to control the vast network of machines and computers in our lives, we’d need infrastructure that could support instantaneous communication. In 2002, we saw the first commercially available 3G mobile telecommunications network in the US for mobile phones and other devices. This ushered in a new era of communication, in which the internet was now available to users from any location that had a cell phone signal.

The 3G mobile telecommunications network was unique in that it allowed an unprecedented speed of transfer. But as time progressed, so did the insatiable appetite for faster speeds. We are now looking at the release of a 4G network, which is claimed to far surpass other 3G speeds by up to ten times. However, it one needs to really examine the two services to understand the differences. The primary difference is that, contrary to popular opinion, 4G is not a more advanced cell phone service. Issues such as dropped calls, spotty networks, and all other cell phone annoyances will not be made obsolete. Some even argue that those intrinsic cell phone problems will be made worse with the commercial release of 4G. This is due to the fact that current cell phone towers will need radical reconfiguration in order to support the service, or new towers will need to built entirely. Thus network coverage will be spotty and buggy while it is introduced, which limits the level of investment made by individuals which further slows the expansion.

When 3G was released, there was no standard or criteria to meet in order to qualify. Thus network speeds varied between providers and users were unable to create a level of expectation of network quality. But with the announcement of 4G in 2009, the International Telecommunication Union developed a standard that providers must meet in order to truly qualify as “4G.” Currently, those standards are set at 100MB/s during high mobility transfer, and 1GB/s during low mobility transfer. These refer to the data transfer rates when the user is in a car or train (mobile) or when they are sitting or walking (low mobility). One can expect to see 4G become commercially available in early 2012, and widely used by 2013.